I love this time of year - all the spring bulbs start appearing - amazing detailed flowers that are wonderful to look at close to.
Sometimes though it is really a bit too chilly to linger, crouched awkwardly in the flower beds and that is where this tip comes into its own.
Bulbs - unlike other plants - are perfectly happy to be uprooted when they are about to flower - they have everything they need in the actual bulb so they will put up with some rough handling and less than ideal growing conditions for a while.
This means that you can find a patch of bulbs in the garden, carefully dig them up and then cram them into a large cup, a sugar bowl or something else pretty. They won't care that there is no drainage for a couple of weeks.
I think that they make the perfect, thoughtful gift for this time of year - dug from the garden they don't have the odd stiffness of commercially forced bulbs and it gives a chance to really appreciate the delicacy and detail of spring flowers. I love sketching them for my embroideries.
Then, after they have finished flowering just plant them back in the garden, water well and they will be quite happy to bloom again next year.
I used grape hyacinths and fritillaries but any small bulbs will work fine.
These kinds of arrangements are also a fuss free, economical and gorgeous option for wedding flowers - just arrange bulbs in tea cups and group them as table flowers - then at the end of the day they can be given as gifts to bridesmaids, mothers of the bride and groom and other people who have helped with the day.
Let me know what your favourite spring flowers are in the comments.